We Are Open
North East Lincolnshire
Photographic Society
A member of the Lincolnshire Photographic Society and the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation

North East Lincolnshire Photographic Society
Adapted from the Policy of the Lincolnshire Photographic Association
North East Lincolnshire Photographic Society (NELPS) is committed to ensuring that working with or coming into contact with children and vulnerable adults should have safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that every child and vulnerable adult, regardless of their age, disability, sex, or sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, has a right to equal protection from harm.
The age of those who are officers or perform other services for NELPS will be restricted to adults only and therefore the minimum age will be 18. Minors (i.e. under 18s) will be permitted to attend meetings but must be accompanied and signed-in by a Parent, Legal Guardian, or Appointed Responsible Adult. The minor’s attendance will be free of charge.
If members of the public attend NELPS meetings or events then in the first instance it is they who should be responsible for the children/vulnerable adults etc. in their charge. When attending NELPS events as a member of a club any under 18s should be accompanied by a responsible adult or designated club member. A record of those who attend NELPS meetings will be kept. In addition to the list being required to comply with fire regulations, a signed record of under-age attendees and the person taking responsibility for those individuals will be needed.
There should be no expectancy that NELPS officials or members would take responsibility for under 18s or vulnerable adults – e.g. where a parent/carer/guardian may attend an event and ask for this to happen. If there are images at a meeting/exhibition that might offend or upset then it will fall to the NELPS member ‘on the door’ to highlight this and leave the decision to the parent/carer/guardian.
Approved 18/08/2021 Reviewed 26th September 2022