We Are Open
North East Lincolnshire
Photographic Society
A member of the Lincolnshire Photographic Society and the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation

The Society shall be known as the North East Lincolnshire Photographic Society.
Subject to resolution by Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, the Society shall be affiliated to the Lincolnshire Photographic Association (LPA), the North & East Midlands Photographic Federation (N&EMPF) and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).
(a) The Society shall be a non-profit making organisation and its aims shall be to further the art of photography in all
its forms.
(b) To support and encourage individuals whether novices or advanced workers in photography.
(c) To maintain a friendly, positive atmosphere for the benefit of all members.
(d) To encourage visits by individuals or groups to and from clubs and societies with similar interests
(e) To organise competitive and non-competitive events for the participation and enjoyment of all the members.
The elected Management Committee is to comprise, President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretary, External Competition Secretary. Web Master, and up to 2 Ex Officio Members.
(a) Committee meetings shall be held regularly at intervals of approximately two months.
(b) Committee members shall be given notice of meetings and shall be provided with the minutes of the last meeting,
the agenda for the coming meeting and any other information relevant to that agenda, approximately one week in
advance of the meeting.
(c) Members of the Society should be informed of the forthcoming meeting to be able to offer items for discussion.
(d) The Committee shall have the power to form sub-committees for special purposes and may co-opt up to two
ordinary members to serve on such sub-committees.
A minimum of 4 committee members shall form a quorum at committee meetings.
(a) Membership of the Society shall be open to any person interested in, or practising photography as an amateur or
professional, who agrees to actively support the Society's aims.
(b) Membership of the Society implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by the Constitution and rules of the
(c) Honorary Membership may be granted at the discretion of the Committee.
(d) Membership numbers may be limited at the discretion of the Committee, taking into consideration Health & Safety
Regulations at the meeting venue of the Society.
(e) The Committee shall have the power, after due consideration, to terminate membership.
(a) All subscriptions shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. The Yearly Subscription from January 2025, until revised, will be £40.00 and shall be due on the 1st January and must be paid before the 31st January each year.
(Payment by a New Member will be Pro Rata.)
(b) The Weekly Door charge shall be £3.00 (Door payment by new members will be free for the first 2 weeks.)
(c) Receipts shall be issued by the Honorary Treasurer, as well as a membership number which shall preferably
remain with the member throughout their membership of the Society.
(d) The subscription due from each new member joining part way through the year shall be at the discretion of the
(e) Members who have not paid their subscriptions by the due date, may at the discretion of the Committee, be
requested not to attend further meetings until the full subscription is paid.
(a) The Society shall meet at such premises as the Committee may decide and they reserve the right to make any
necessary arrangements should those premises be unavailable.
(b) The Society shall meet every Wednesday evening commencing at 7.30pm.
(c) The Committee shall reserve the right to include/exclude meetings where necessary.
(d) The Committee may arrange additional events e.g. exhibitions, visits or excursions when special notice will be
given to members.
(e) Members will be expected to pay a contribution at each weekly meeting, which could be increased when a visiting
speaker is attending the meeting.
(a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at the end of the Society's year.
(b) Members shall be informed of the AGM 14 days in advance with the agenda and any necessary nomination papers.
(c) Business shall include the minutes of the previous AGM, annual reports from the Officers, a statement of
accounts, the election of Officers and Committee members and any other business already itemised on the agenda.
(d) The Constitution of the Society may only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary Meeting
convened for that purpose and by giving at least 28 days’ notice to the Honorary Secretary of the alterations.
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or on the receipt of a requisition signed by not
less than one quarter of the members.
(b) Such requisition must contain full details of the matter (s) to be discussed.
(c) At least fourteen days’ notice should be given.
(a) All monies received on behalf of the Society shall be kept in safe custody by the Honorary Treasurer.
(b) Cheques drawn on any account must be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and by one other signatory from one of
the following:- President or one other Society Officer or senior member who must have the approval of the bank.
(c) General expenditure shall not have a single item valued at more than £200
(d) Accounts for the year shall be presented by the Honorary Treasurer at each Annual General Meeting.
(e) Accounts shall be examined every year by one or two nominated people.
The Society shall maintain insurance cover for the assets of the club and public liability.
The rules of any Society competition may be amended by proposition by the committee or members at the Annual General Meeting.
(a) All other matters relating to the running of the Society not covered by the above rules shall be at the discretion of
the Committee in office at that time.
(b) The Officers of the Society should be able to take emergency decisions. Where a decision might involve some
emergency expenditure, then the Committee has authorised the Officers to spend money on behalf of the Society
with a spending limit of £200
(a) The Society may be dissolved only by consent of three quarters of the members present at an Extraordinary
General Meeting called for that purpose.
(b) Such a meeting shall appoint a liquidator to handle the disposal of the funds and assets.
(c) After disposing of all the assets by tender, all funds shall be donated to St Andrews Hospice, this shall be subject to
payment of any outstanding debts incurred by the Society or its Members or Officers in connection with the
operation of the Society.
Constitution approved at the AGM of North East Lincolnshire Photographic Society held on November 29th 2006.
Amended: 14 December 2022