We Are Open
North East Lincolnshire
Photographic Society
A member of the Lincolnshire Photographic Society and the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation

1). Check the Rules if it is for a competition.
a. Club, LPA, N&EMPF, PAGB, RPS or other. (N&EMPF rules are different for individual entries and club entries
b. Number of Pictures required – 3,5,10,15, etc.
c. Size in either cm or pixels. (NELPS 1920 x1080 pixels). Prints are usually any size up to 50cm x 40cm.
2). Prints or PDI.
a. Usually the same rules and processes apply to both, but be careful not to exceed the size limits especially with PDIs.
3). Selecting a Theme.
a. Stock Images – pictures taken over a period of time from variety of different sources.
b. Planned Shoot – Pictures you are taking for a planned panel.
c. Always select more than you will require for the finished panel, then gradually ‘whittle’ them down to the chosen number.
4). Balanced Set.
a. Composition. Plan or draw your layout.
b. Lighting – If possible, this should be even across the entire panel, otherwise place the darken pictures on the outsides of the panel.
c. Technical Quality. A panel should be judged as if it were one picture with all that applies.
d. Story Telling – A panel that tells a story often has greater impact than one that doesn’t.
e. All images should be of equal quality. Often 3 lesser quality pictures will achieve a higher position than 2 good pictures and 1 poorer picture.
5). Presentation
a. Images should be of equal size unless there is a story telling aspect.
b. Mount boards should be the same colour and prints mounted in the same position on each mount board.
c. Obvious lines going across the panel should all be at the same level - i.e. horizons.
d. Choose background colours for PDI presentation carefully. Do not include additional pictures if rules do not allow it.
e. Positioning of your pictures – the outer ones facing inwards.
6). Do not be in too much of a hurry to finish your panel.
a. Allow plenty of time and keep going back to your panel over a period of time, as you will find ‘tweaks’ that you can make.